Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Snow, snow go away

I never thought I would have such a bad attitude about snow. It's beautiful flakes falling from the sky to blanket the earth in white. I have even said, everything looks nicer with a coat of snow on it. Well, I have changed my mind. I am not sure if it was the fall I had on Tuesday morning or the 6th missed day of school that did it for me, maybe it was the feeling that we were trapped at home, too scared to drive anywhere - but I officially hate snow. My yard is a big slushy mess, my whole body is bruised and I will be cursing this snow in July when J-man is still in school. I can't believe I am praying for 40 degrees and rainy!

This is the only remaining family member that still likes the snow. Y-dog likes to go out and roll in it and eat it. He asks to go out side several times a day, goes out and tastes some snow, and then wants to come back inside. It was cute at first, but now I just tell him how dumb he is to WANT to go out and roll in that stuff.
Hopefully tomorrow it rains.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Well the commuters that got stuck in the 5:00 snow don't really think it's much of a wonderland! J-man and I had gone to the club to workout, he is on swim team for an hour - and the workout room is just outside the pool area. At 4:30 it started snowing and by 4:45 it was sticking and coming down really hard. I raced up to the YMCA to pick up T-man (as fast as you can race in the snow) and then pulled J-man out of the pool - lets get home quick before it gets worse! We were home by 5:15 and there was already an inch!

After dinner we went out in the snow to play and there was about 4 inches! Y-dog was LOVING the snow. We walked through the neighborhood to see if anyone wanted to come out and play with us, but J-man's friends had just sat down to dinner. So we went back home to build a snowman. You can tell we don't have much snowman experience, but it was fun to try!

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Living Room Update

Not done yet. Here is the LONG list we still have to do:

1. Install baseboards

2. Switch out light switches and sockets (to white).

3. Finish triming around the windows

4. Fix trim around the fireplace (slight accident while removing plastic)

5. Pictures on walls

6. Frame Art and hang on walls

7. Put everything back in bookshelf
Of course I want new tables and my tall lamp fixed and a new chair for the corner, but this is a good enough list for now.................. and in the mean time we are enjoying our new couches and soft, clean carpets!!!