Yeah! It's back to school for J-man and the first day of Kindergarten for T-man. We made it to the bus stop 10 minutes early thanks to Mitch, and the bus was on time. Amazing. T-man asked J-man if he could sit by him on the bus and J-man told him (in his snottiest voice) "No, you can't sit with me. Kinders sit in the front of the bus!"
Bubble burst. Before school even started. Bummer.

Waiting at the bus stop. By themselves. 10 minutes early. Wearing sweats. On the first day of school. I decided not to fight the wardrobe choice. Not a fight worth fighting. Until picture day.

The bus was the choice of transportation today. Even though I had to go to school with the overflow of supplies that were needed. So I met them at school. Again, pick the fights worth fighting.

So T-man seemed rather shell shocked by Kindergarten. He really doesn't know any of the kids in his class very well. All the neighborhood kids and baseball buddies are in other classes. He said he had a good day today and he has tomorrow off. We will have to get another update after he goes back on Thursday. Speaking of Thursday.... Thursday is a big day around here......Lots of planning going on........
T-man was also very excited about his Hulk Backpack. Hopefully he can remember to bring it home every night and also remember to give his teacher the stuff that is supposed to go back to school. Unlike his brother who needs his mother to call his teacher to make sure that it got turned in. Hopefully we won't have to go there this year. Hopefully.