Monday, May 26, 2008

A Visit to the Aquarium

Friday Morning we took a little trip downtown to check out the Seattle Aquarium remodel. They have a brand new entrance and a huge new tank as you come in and it is really beautiful.

Our old favorites are there as well. I wonder how many pictures I have of the boys on this orca fin? That will be fun to put those together someday.....

Then there is the demonstration of just how classy we are. Thanks for that J-man.
These guys are my favorite. They are so cute and I swear they have ADHD, I have never seen one sit still. Not even while eating. They swim around with the food on their belly, never stopping moving. I could sit and watch the sea otters forever. Too bad my family doesn't agree with me and wanted to move on.
But it was cleaning time at the sea otters and they were, well, cleaning everything! T-man pointed it out to everyone, just in case someone standing around watching didn't notice what they were doing.
"Mommy!! They are licking their privates!!! Wait. Mommy? Do otters have privates??"
Well that got a good laugh out of everyone. So T-man got a lesson in sea otter anatomy. Good trip to the aquarium - Don't you think??

1 comment:

Roz said...

Love your visit to the aquarium. My boys were always doing goofy things to the displays. Enjoy them now, you will miss their antics one day!