Monday, August 24, 2009

Hello Cabinets!

This morning our kitchen looked like this:
Like the color? That is Ralph Lauren Khaki. We still need some touch up work - but we had to stop last week so the walls could dry in time for the cabinets.

But what a difference a day can make! Today the cabinet guy unloaded a truck full of cabinets! Into my house! Woo Hoo!
Aren't they pretty? Don't they look good with the paint?

Apparently they need a lot of these for installation:

And a lot of these:
I can't wait to see them all go together over the next couple of days. I hope they don't mind if I snap a few pictures - wait - who am I kidding? I'll take them anyway :-).

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Laura said...

Love your wall color and the cabinets will look great against it.

Deb said...

I love the paint color! The cabinets are going to be so pretty! It is moving right along!

Amy said...

Look at all that hardware LOL aren't you glad you don't have to install them? Love the beautiful colors you chose!

Bonnie said...

I LOVE the wall color... as a matter of fact, I think probably very similar colors that we have picked out in some rooms!