Thursday, October 1, 2009

Comic Relief

So this is the conversation between myself and J-man while sitting in the kitchen this evening.

J-man: (Farts Loudly)

Me: What was that for?

J-man: Paybacks for earlier.

Me: At least I warned you.

J-man: Yeah, but not early enough so I could leave the room!

This is why I love having boys! I needed a few good laughs today too, it has been a rough week!

So Monday morning at work, I got notified that my position was being eliminated. I was shocked. I will be able to finish out the year at my current job, and then I can either bump someone with less seniority in another department, or sit on the re-hire list and hope that somebody quits or retires. I started coping on Monday night with large quantities of wine. When I woke up on Tuesday I was sill laid off, so that didn't work. Now I just have to put up with the pitied looks I get from my co-workers for the next 3 months. I was not the only one laid off, 145 people were notified on Monday county wide, so I am now referring to Monday as "Black Monday". A lot of the fellow lay offs were my friends and co-workers. It really sucks.
So the next three months could bring lots of change to my family, we shall see if it is good, bad or ugly.
On a positive note - our application was approved for adoption! Woo Hoo! Yes, we are adopting - we want another dog in our house. We filled out an application for Lab Rescue and I was just notified today that our application was approved. Now we are just waiting for a dog that will fit our family. Our request was a dog that was good around kids and other dogs, since that is what we seem to have a lot of in our house. Hopefully we will not have to wait long, I want Yukon to have a buddy. I think he has been missing Ditto too. I know I have.

1 comment:

Amy said...

LOL Chelle you can always count on your kids for a good laugh, one way or another!! Hang in there, when one door closes, another one opens :)