Sunday, June 29, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Guess Who's Having a Birthday?
Yukon is TEN! Today!
First of all, I am shocked that he made it this far. He was diagnosed with epilepsy at age 2, had bad hips by 6, blown his knee by 8 and was most recently diagnosed with diabetes at age 9. And the people that we got him from said that he got into rat poison when he was a puppy. Can YOU believe he made it to 10? Well I guess I have my local vet, my sister-in-law (long distance vet :D), pharmacist and the drug companies to thank for helping keep our much beloved Yukon around for so long.
This is a happy dog, in his very own pool.
And he has a buddy over for the weekend! He loves Angus like a long lost brother and they have lots of fun together when they get together. Here they are sharing the pool, also know as an oversize water dish!
Happy Birthday Yukon!!!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Super Hero Swim Meet
Here is our own little Justice League. Watch out anyone who is trying to mess with our swim team! They will be faced with Superman, Batman, the Spiderman Thing, and Princess Mouse Batgirl (I may have messed up that name slightly - it was hard to remember).
So after we paraded around in our super hero costumes, it was time to get down to business. Swimming. And timer-ing. I had to be a timer for the 2nd half of the meet.
This is J-man doing the backstroke - again. He dropped another couple of tenths of a second and improved his time.
Here is the Freestyle Relay. Our boys took 1st and 2nd in this relay. Its nice when all of their hard work all week long pays off during the swim meets.
Friday, June 20, 2008
Last Day of school!!
J-man and his Bud waiting for the school bus this morning. They were pretty excited that it was the last day! And it was field day! Nothing more little boys like, than to run around and play all day!
I also went to school today to volunteer for field day. Field day is where the whole school goes out and plays at organized activities, some of which involved getting hosed down. They also slid down hills, ran, had faces painted and had a snack station. The weather turned out just fine for today and my goal was to get there early so I did not end up with a station that involved water!
Did you know pigs could fly?
Well with a parachute and a few buddies working together - they can. The flying pigs station that I volunteered at was fun for everyone, I got to work with another mom from J-mans baseball team that I really liked and there was no water involved. Great day.
This is J-man running in some sort of screaming race. I avoided that one too. But they looked like they were having fun! Happy last day of school!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
First Swim Meet of the Season
We had our first swim meet of the season today! It was a fun meet with some great swimming and a little bit of sunshine. J-man swam in 4 events. No argument this year about the swim cap - he does not want a haircut! Here are some shots from the meet.

I have no idea what he just got done swimming :-).
I have no idea what he just got done swimming :-).
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Fathers Day visit to Northwest Trek
Where do you go when you want to see some wild animals? Maybe some Moose? Elk? Bison? Northwest Trek!
We met Dick and Becky out there for a Fathers Day outing. I was excited to take the tram and see the new babies! While we were waiting for the gates to open, we visited the big bronze moose out front.
Apparently T-man has learned a few things from his brother and he has made Poppy an accomplice. Oh well, I took pictures anyways cause we're classy like that.
The tram ride did not disappoint. The moose was on the wrong side of the tram, so I got no moose picture -but we saw her! Then we found some mountain goats lounging on the tram path. At first it didn't seem like they were going to move, but then they decided they didn't want us hanging around any longer than we had too. They didn't move to far:
And man are they looking shaggy! There was white goat hair tufts all over through out the tram area.
These are the Big Horn sheep mama's running away with their babies. Come back! I wanna see those babies!
Here are the Big Horned Sheep daddy's. They must know its Father's Day and that is why they are just laying around doing nothing.
Oh and the Bison! They are looking a little shaggy too, losing all their winter coats and those fuzzy little calves are soo cute!
These are a family of Caribou and a couple of black tail dear. They had found a nice shady spot by the lake, and I have to agree that they found a nice spot to lounge. I would have liked to hang around longer, but the hour long tram ride was over and we had to get off. Bummer.
That's okay there was lots more to see!
River otters - my favorite!
Raccoons - Are you lookin at me?
They also had lots of native plants and most were in bloom still (blame it on the June-uary). We had a good time at Northwest Trek, and learned lots about all the animals we saw. Did you know a moose needs to eat 27,000 calories a day? And they are herbivores. That's a lot of greens.
Mitch has a Playdate
At the brew fest. I dropped him off with a couple of friends at St. Edwards State Park yesterday so that they could spend the whole afternoon drinking beer. This is not any ordinary beer. This is the beer of beer snobs, microbrews. A whole big beer garden full of snobby beers. I gave him a camera and asked him to just take a few pictures.

Here is Mitch drinking beer.
Here is Mitch drinking beer.
This is the bottom of his beer glass. He told me that this was his "artistic" picture. Thanks babe.
He doesn't know if he meant to take this picture of Ryan and the beer glass or not. Okay - there is Ryan and a beer glass and a whole lot of sun.
Here is the crowd at the beer fest. They lucked out and had some good weather - maybe our June-uary is finally over???
Oh yeah - they did Blood Alcohol Counts on the way out courtesy of the sherrifs department. Mitch blew a .034 - not even legally drunk, even after 5 hours of drinking! Sad - I think. No matter, they had transportation arranged - it was after all a playdate!!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Stone Soup
This afternoon we were treated to a play! J-man's class is putting on "Stone Soup" all week. He was in the first cast. It was riveting.
Here is the rest of Cast A. Aren't their costumes cute?
J-man stirring the soup and reading his lines. After telling me every day that he knew his lines and didn't need to practice. Apparently I should not have listened to him.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Time Trials
This was the only picture that I took at time trials. Time trials is how the coaches decide who is on the A team and who is on the B team. It is also the base time for the kids to improve on as the season progresses. All the kids swim every event, except relays. I did not get to see J-man swim any events, only warm ups. I was busy on the other side of the pool deck helping the dive team get signed up. While I had a good time chatting away with lots of people, I missed all of time trials. Bummer. It was cold out side too. I felt really bad for all of the cold wet kids. So we will know next week if J-man is on the A team or the B team and then swim meets start the week after that! I sure wish that the weather would get better so that we could have some sunny poolside afternoons!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Swim Team Picnic and Lake Plunge
Well someone must have heard our prayers because it stopped raining right before the picnic started. It was pouring earlier today and windy. The high today was supposed to be 56 degrees. While we were eating our dinner we could see our breath. The beautiful grassy area of the park was saturated with water. But after we had finished eating, the sun was beginning to come out. Amazing.
Luckily we live in an area that is used to a little bit of rain, and the picnic must go on. Just under the covered area.
Before the lake plunge they run around and play all kinds of silly games. Today they had a balloon race of some sort followed by a get the goldfish out of the whip cream game. It was some messy, tasty fun!
Then it was time to jump in the lake. Beautiful Lake Washington. Temp was in the 50's. Yeah, I think that I will just stay on the dock in my turtleneck, sweatshirt and fleece jacket. Y'all just jump right in.
And jump in they did. CRAZIES all of them. J-man got a little shocky and felt like he couldn't breath, so we got him out pretty quick and warmed him back up. Good thing I brought blankets just in case I got cold!
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